Current Situation
For the maintenance of assets directly tied to the functionality and utility of the building, connected asset management is growing in popularity acceptance; similarly, the capability and functionality of advanced technology like IoT have matured and become more cost effective.
Goals and Objectives
Regularly assess asset conditions and remotely diagnose an asset failure before it happens. Data analysis of the various physical assets with AI automation leads to predictive maintenance. Institutions improve safety by maintaining assets, and a failure or breakdown occur while increasing assets’ life span.
Technology Deployed
Integrated building control and building management systems, IoT modules and sensors, LED lighting, smart elevators, analytics and data management, and predictive maintenance analytics
Use Case Summary
The campus of the future will feature a connected and fully integrated asset management and maintenance management process, which will remotely track, monitor, and maintain campus assets. This improves uptime and eliminates unnecessary maintenance, with the end goal of improving process efficiency and reliability for the campus’ operations team.