Current Situation
Non-IT staff and faculty have historically had a limited understanding of the technology infrastructure that supports their work. This limits the opportunity for those subject matter experts to make informed suggestions regarding how to design and deploy new technologies to take full advantage of the technology’s capability.
Goals and Objectives
IT and non-IT departmental leaders, and systems users, must have a solid understanding of the capabilities of technologies. This familiarity enables those closest to business needs and issues to identify potential solutions, helping organizations prioritize between a wide array of initiatives and maximize the potential benefits of DX on enterprise performance.
Technology Deployed
Learning management systems, training platforms, digital content libraries, AI and analytics solutions
Use Case Summary
Non-IT and IT staff and faculty are assigned courses related to current systems in use as well as other technologies. As employees complete curricula, successful deployments of transformative technologies increases, adoption of technologies accelerates, and business benefits of digital transformation initiatives increases.